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Shadowscapes Tarot


Spring has arrived and the fowers are in bloom! The roses send forth their sweet scent as an invitation to the dwellers of the fey realms. The ground trembles as the unicorns of the east, the kíerun, spring forward to heed the call and lead the faery hosts on this ride of celebration. The chill has left the air, but this respite is but a moment to enjoy and then the greater workmust begin afterwards. Until then, this time must be made the most of.

The heralds lift up their trumpets, and the clarion call echoesout to the dawn. The wind tangles in manes and wings, and trailsin their wake. Faster and faster they ride, until the world is a blurof color, and then, with a cry of jubilation, they spring up into theair and ride across the skies.

The Four of Wands calls for celebration. Initial successes havebrought hope and joy to the air. There is harmony and peace to behad. However, once attained, this prosperity must be maintainedas well. Take a moment to breathe and enjoy but be prepared tocontinue with the work that has achieved this point. The fire mustremain lit. It must be fed constantly to keep the blaze going andnot be allowed to die out to embers. Ler go of limitations, andembrace the freedom being offered.